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October 02, 2019

As the nation has turned out to be all the more ethnically different, so has the normal sense of taste. Today every conceivable dish can be discovered across the nation, with an expanding noticeable quality on crisp and sound. All things considered, numerous Americans still love the nourishments that are frequently associated with the US, regardless of whether they're not the most advantageous alternatives. Inside urban areas especially, social enclaves frequently have whole neighborhoods devoted to particular worldwide cooking styles: Vietnamese in parts of New Orleans; Somali and Ethiopian on the edges of Minneapolis; and, obviously Chinese, Indian and Italian in New York City's Chinatown and Little Italy, which are flanking neighborhoods in lower Manhattan.
USA FOOD USA FOOD Reviewed by Food crazy on October 02, 2019 Rating: 5

Step by step instructions to Reduce Food Waste in Supply Chain

September 22, 2019
Step by step instructions to Reduce Food Waste in Supply Chain:
 Food Waste in Supply Chain
 Food Waste 

Sustenance waste is a major issue on the planet today. How enormous is the issue? An amazing 33% of all nourishment created is squandered. With one of every eight individuals on the planet experiencing interminable undernourishment, sustenance waste isn't just a business issue but at the same time is a helpful issue. Most data on this subject focus to squander by shoppers and in the retail space; be that as it may, the vehicle of nourishment is one spot where sustenance waste can be combatted.

Organizations can have a gigantic effect in lessening sustenance squander. As per the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), more than 40-percent of sustenance is lost in the pre-utilization arrange during the collect, drying, stockpiling, and transport of nourishment. Regardless of whether it is maintaining nourishment, taste or quality, an essential factor in ensuring more sustenance is fit for utilization is the means by which rapidly sustenance moves from harvest to purchaser. Here are a couple of ways that organizations can help lessen nourishment squander, save gainfulness, and do their part to battle hunger.

Stakeholder Collaboration:
At the point when all partners in the full store network meet up and share information, this is maybe the best chance to diminish squander. A standard model for this incorporates a three-point framework. In the first place, partners, including everybody from producers to coordinations suppliers to end-point retailers meet up to envision where the most waste and decay happens. At that point, they have to take a gander at the coordinations piece to perceive what efficiencies can be made, for example, reevaluating production network request of activities. At long last, retailers need to make crisis answers for waste decrease, for example, bringing down costs for items drawing closer their "best utilized by" date at the retail level.

One of the most creative methods for diminishing nourishment squander in the inventory network is the usage of biosensors. This developing innovation is utilized to identify contaminants in sustenance and transmit the information in a quantifiable manner to diminish nourishment squander. They report on issue territories progressively so arrangements can be set up rapidly to keep a similar issue from occurring later on. This inventive innovation anticipates both sustenance waste and nourishment defilement.

Harnessing Data Analytics:
One of the keys to a fruitful store network is information investigation. By surveying the current information, organizations can locate the biggest wellsprings of waste in their inventory network. The information can once in a while demonstrate that the inventory network should be rebuilt. Maybe in certain circumstances, a collect is occurring too early in correlation with the preparing timetable. Different occasions, cold chain innovation, and preparing strategies should be balanced. By using information, organizations can pinpoint where waste can be wiped out in the most critical manner, in this manner lessening waste significantly.

Decreasing sustenance waste is a significant method to settle and build an income. It is additionally a success win in the battle against yearning. Nourishment waste is an issue for everybody and organizations that proactively hope to diminish sustenance waste are not exclusively doing savvy business yet moral business also.

Step by step instructions to Reduce Food Waste in Supply Chain Step by step instructions to Reduce Food Waste in Supply Chain Reviewed by Food crazy on September 22, 2019 Rating: 5

Food Hangover

September 17, 2019

Food Hangover

The weekend is here, before you go out to your furious gatherings, I'd like to share an encounter from Zoleoite's (Zole) life a weekend ago, perhaps we can take in some things from him. It's Sunday morning and, following a monotonous night's rest, Zole awakens with a parting cerebral pain and body hurts, feeling enlarged and blah. The idea of bouncing up to hit the morning exercise doesn't sound as energizing today. He asks why he went to his companion, Burgers', party the previous evening and all the more significantly what the heck happened the previous evening. He held his head, shut his eyes, and attempted to sort out the night. Gradually it began coming to him, a speedy mental recap incorporated a major cut of oily pizza, chocolate cake, he had a couple of beverages, with the exception of a his glass contained just pop, gracious and after that there was the spinach plunge and crisp prepared bread… yum… and… well… . Pause… NO ALCOHOL?! His eyes enlarged and he sprung up at this acknowledgment. Generally he winds up in this state in the wake of tossing back a couple of shots and beverages however with preparing season around the bend he deliberately didn't drink an ounce of liquor to remain on taught on his exercises and forestall feeling hung over and torpid yet… here he is … hung over and lazy. All in all, what was the deal? Well my companions, Zole simply encountered his first FOOD HANGOVER. His story is somewhat overstated to demonstrate a point however in any case, there is a wonder such as this.

Similarly as liquor influences your body, causing synthetic reactions and lopsided characteristics including parchedness, a similar way sustenance influences your body. What happens when you keep away from liquor for extensive stretches of time and after that go out and have a seething night? Probably you wind up embracing the porcelain position of authority… Your body isn't as effective in processing the liquor and you get "squandered" all the more effectively. On the off chance that you have been eating clean for quite a while, at that point your body has adjusted to the new way of life and is cheerfully utilizing what goes in with no issues… anyway when your toss a couple of wrenches in the stream (gluten, sugar, lack of hydration) at that point your body loses its proficiency and no doubt you end up again embracing the porcelain honored position (maybe from an alternate edge).

I am not saying to go out on gorges all an opportunity to keep up liquor and sustenance resilience… what I am stating is this is simply one more case of how what you eat influences your body and your brain. Maybe you have been in a comparable circumstance, as usual, don't trust me, however go for yourself and report back.

Remember to turn your timekeepers this end of the week (spring forward) lose an hour of rest however appreciate parts more sunshine!


Ritu Riyat

p.s. A fast idea and petition out to each one of those that were influenced by the Tsunami, despite the fact that we are not by and by influenced here in Cali, as Obama said in his discourse it is an update "for every one of our disparities in culture, or language, or religion, eventually humankind is one"
Food Hangover Food Hangover Reviewed by Food crazy on September 17, 2019 Rating: 5

In the USA

September 15, 2019
In the USA
food in usa

In the place that is known for bounty, a large number of young men and young ladies are hitting the hay hungry. In excess of 15 million families face not having enough nourishment for everybody in the family. Together, we can encourage hungry kids and change this horrid measurement. We can arrive at families deprived crosswise over America with sustenance and different basics that offer trust in a superior future.

Now talk something another thing 

American Food

Americans will approach PC based shopping empowering them to settle on their purchasing choices at home and getting their buys at the store or having them conveyed to their homes.

Since the 1950s cheap food and take-out cafés have had an extraordinary expansion, first in the US, and all the more as of late all through the world. The principal inexpensive food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, Arby's and Wendy's which offer sandwiches, cheeseburgers, French-singed potatoes, sausages, pizzas, hotcakes, bean stew and broiled chicken, have been joined by different chains some of which offer Mexican, Chinese and other ethnic sustenances. The expense of the nourishment in such eateries is as often as possible less expensive than if one somehow happened to get ready comparative sustenance in one's kitchen. Thus, a whole family may much of the time go to eat at cheap food places for accommodation and economy.
In the USA In the USA Reviewed by Food crazy on September 15, 2019 Rating: 5

Native American Food

September 02, 2019
Native American Food: Initially distributed as "Finding What Native North Carolinians Ate"

Native American Food  crazy
Native American Food 

By Dr. Patricia M. Samford

Reproduced with authorization from Tar Heel Junior Historian, Spring 2007.

Tar Heel Junior Historian Association, NC Museum of History

What did you have for supper the previous evening? That is entirely simple to recollect, isn't that so? Shouldn't something be said about your supper a year prior? Confused you on that one, I wager! Presently consider attempting to realize what Native people groups in North Carolina ate a huge number of years prior. Archeologists face this test when

they study the past.

Burrowing to uncover data about how individuals lived in the past is called antiquarianism. Archeologists are the authorities who do this work. They dive in spots where individuals have lived and worked. On these destinations, archeologists discover physical proof of homes, gardens, cooking pits, and things deserted by before individuals.

Archeologists find out about the eating routine of the American Indians who lived first in North Carolina in a few different ways. At the point when Native people groups arranged nourishment and ate dinners, they discarded creature bones, marine shells, and other unappetizing sustenance stays like eggshells and crab hooks. These things can make due in the ground for a great many years. Other nourishment proof incorporates seeds, corncobs, and minuscule hints of plants, for example, dust. Archeologists discover huge numbers of these sorts of nourishment remains. By considering them, they reach determinations about what the main North Carolinians ate.

For instance, we should take a gander at American Indians who lived five to 600 years back in the eastern piece of the state. These clans incorporated the Tuscarora, Meherrin, Waccamaw, Coree, and Nottoway. They were ranchers living in little towns. Notwithstanding developing corn, squash, and beans, they chased, angled, and assembled wild plants. Creature bones found in cooking pits and waste dumps show they ate deer, bear, raccoon, opossum, hare, turkey, and turtle.

Fish and shellfish, for example, mollusks and clams—shaped a significant piece of these American Indians' weight control plans. Archeologists made one irregular find in Onslow County in 1995. While concentrating the entombment site of a lady who lived around 600 years prior, they found pecan measured clusters of fish bone. The mullet and pinfish bones were discovered where her stomach had once been. They were stays from her last dinner!

Hints of plants found in cooking pits incorporate consumed corncobs and portions, oak seed shells, and hickory nuts. Archeologists likewise discover seeds and dust from wild plants like maypop and nursery plants, including pumpkins and beans.

Different finds can incorporate articles used to get or get ready nourishment. Local people groups utilized stones to overload fishnets produced using woven plant filaments. They cut fishhooks from bone and made nursery cultivators from stone. They ground corn and different plants into flour with processing stones.

Native Americans abandoned numerous sorts of proof of their dietary patterns. Utilizing these follows, archeologists increase a superior comprehension of North Carolina's Native people groups' suppers and how they got them.

At the hour of this current article's production, Dr. Patricia M. Samford filled in as the site administrator at Historic Bath State Historic Site. She is the coauthor of Intrigue of the Past: North Carolina's First Peoples
Native American Food Native American Food Reviewed by Food crazy on September 02, 2019 Rating: 5


August 31, 2019


A couple of months prior, Amazon (AMZN) purchased Whole Foods at an incredible $13.4 billion, with a guarantee to bring shabby, natural, nutritious, low carbon*, and without pesticide sustenance to the majority. Not long after the securing, Whole Foods cut costs by as much as 43%, bringing costs of natural sustenance at or underneath non-natural nourishment. 

At present, Amazon is settled in 13 nations. With this new obtaining, Amazon accessed 460 Whole Foods stores dissipated over the US, Britain, and Canada. An arrangement to stretch out further to be inside 30 to an hour from whatever number individuals as could reasonably be expected is in progress as per Mikey Vu, an accomplice at the consultancy Bain and Company who is centered around retail, as cited by the New York Times. 

What's next for Amazon? Indeed, securing of vertical homestead new companies, ramble conveyance, and the sky is the limit from there. Allow me to clarify.

Its a well known fact that Amazon got the coordinations of stockrooms and circulation down to a science, and I would contend that, after the Whole Foods procurement, a characteristic subsequent stage for Amazon so as to have a total environment of natural nourishment generation, conveyance, and deals is get neighborhood and additionally universal vertical homestead new businesses, which are springing up everywhere throughout the world at a regularly expanding rate. 

Vertical homestead new companies like Plenty, AeroFarms, and Bowery as of late got between $20 million to $200 million in speculations from investors, including Jeff Bezos — progressively confirmation that vertical cultivating is on Bezos' radar. 

For the individuals who are inexperienced with vertical cultivating, here are a few focal points: 

Expends 95% less water that customary cultivating strategies, by certain evaluations 

Disposes of the requirement for pesticides 

All year crop generation 

Disposes of agrarian spillover 

High return/section of land 

Lessens utilization of non-renewable energy sources from ranch apparatus and transport of nourishment 

No climate related harvest disappointments 

Makes new urban work openings 

Diminishes the danger of disease from operators transmitted at the rural interface 

Returns farmland to nature, reestablishing biological system capacities and administrations 

About why Amazon would wander into vertical cultivating? To start with, as referenced above, to close the cycle and have a total environment. Besides, vertical cultivating is innovative and includes capacity and coordinations, which fits well with Amazon's first rate aptitude in these spaces. 

Before long, you will almost certainly arrange a new plate of mixed greens, or any natural nourishment, from your telephone on Amazon, maybe even consequently plan conveyance consistently at an ideal time and have it conveyed by an automaton or little robot legitimately to your entryway inside 30 minutes. What an energizing time to be alive! 

What are your contemplations on vertical cultivating and the eventual fate of sustenance? 

*Low carbon: Vertical cultivating is very vitality concentrated. Nonetheless, expecting that vitality is originating from a sustainable source, it will be low carbon. 

Center reference: Vertical Farm
AMAZON AND THE FUTURE OF FOOD AMAZON AND THE FUTURE OF FOOD Reviewed by Food crazy on August 31, 2019 Rating: 5

Americans can gain from other nourishment societies?

August 24, 2019
What Americans can gain from other nourishment societies? - Sustenance acknowledgment is an unpredictable response affected by biochemical, physiological, mental, social and instructive components. Metabolic conditions assume a significant job. Age, sex and mental state are elements of significance. Individuals vary enormously in their tactile reaction to nourishments.
 Individuals vary enormously in their tactile reaction to nourishments.

For me, an original Korean-American, comfort sustenance is a plate of kimchi, white rice, and singed Spam. Such inclinations are by and by important — and furthermore socially significant. Our solace nourishments map who are, the place we originate from, and what befell us en route. Notes Jennifer 8. Lee (TED Talk: Jennifer 8. Lee searches for General Tso), "what you need to cook and eat is an amassing, an element of your encounters — the individuals you've dated, what you've realized, where you've gone. There might be inbound components from different societies, however you'll generally eat things that mean something to you."

In a lot of China, just the more established ages still shop each day in the wet market, at that point return home and cook customary dishes.

Jennifer Berg, executive of alumni sustenance learns at New York University, takes note of that nourishment is especially significant when you moved toward becoming piece of a diaspora, isolated from your mom culture. "It's the last remnant of culture that individuals shed," says Berg. "There's certain parts of maternal culture that you'll lose immediately. First is the way you dress, in such a case that you need to mix in or be a piece of a bigger standard culture the things that are the most obvious are the ones that you given up. With sustenance, it's something you're taking part in ideally three times each day, thus there are more chances to interface with memory and family and spot. It's the hardest to surrender."

Nourishment as personality 

The "mixture" in American cooking is a legend, not horribly not at all like the possibility of a blend of American culture, notes gourmet expert Dan Barber (TED Talk: How I went gaga for a fish). "Most societies don't consider their cooking in such solid terms," he says. "French, Mexican, Chinese, and Italian cooking styles each involve many particular provincial sustenances. What's more, I think "American" food is moving a similar way, ending up progressively restricted, not globalized."

Most societies don't consider their food in solid terms. Mexican, Chinese and French cooking styles each involve many unmistakable provincial sustenances.

American food is molded by the regular abundance of the nation. Having never confronted horticultural hardship, Americans had the advantage of not depending on turning crops, for example, the Japanese, whose nourishment culture now grandstands buckwheat close by rice, or the Indians, or the French and Italians, who highlight lentils and beans nearby wheat. "That sort of exchange with the land constrained individuals to consolidate those yields in to the way of life," says Barber. Thus eating soba noodles turns out to be a piece of being Japanese, and eating beans turns out to be a piece of being French.

Outline by Andrea Turvey for TED.So if what we eat is what we are, what are Americans? All things considered, meat. "On the off chance that Americans have any bringing together sustenance character, I would state we are a (generally white) meat culture," says Barber. "The protein-driven supper plate, regardless of whether you're discussing a boneless chicken bosom, or a 16-ounce steak, as a regular desire is something that America truly made, and now fares to the remainder of the world."

Each and every culture and religion utilizes sustenance as a major aspect of their festivals, says Ellen Gustafson, prime supporter of the FEED Project and The 30 Project, which expects to handle both appetite and heftiness issues all inclusive. (Watch her TED Talk: Obesity + hunger = 1 worldwide sustenance issue.) "The celebratory idea of nourishment is general. Each season, each reap, and each occasion has its very own nourishment, and this is valid in America too. It characterizes us."

Sustenance as survival 

Now and then nourishment implies survival. While the Chinese cooks who sent out "Chinese" nourishment around the globe ate genuine cooking at home, the dishes they served, along these lines making new foods completely, depended on financial need. Chinese sustenance in America, for instance, is Darwinian, says Lee. It was a route for Chinese cooks to make due in America and acquire a living. It began with the creation of cleave suey in the late 1800s, trailed by fortune treats around the season of World War II, and the unavoidable General Tso's Chicken, during the 1970s. Floods of increasingly legitimate Chinese sustenance pursued, as Hunan and Sichuan cooking went to the U.S. by method for Taiwan.

In Chinese urban areas, in the interim, just grandparents are cooking and eating the way that individuals from outside of China may envision "Chinese" nourishment. The more seasoned age still would shop each day in the wet market, can anticipate tomatoes, at that point return home that night and cook conventional dishes, says Crystyl Mo, a sustenance author situated in Shanghai. Be that as it may, a great many people brought into the world after the Cultural Revolution don't have the foggiest idea how to cook. "That age was centered simply around examining, and their folks never showed them how to cook," says Mo. "So they're instructed, yet they're eating takeout or returning to their folks' homes for dinners."

Nourishment as status 

Those somewhat more youthful individuals have been the recipients of the eatery culture detonating in Shanghai. The city is home to 23 million individuals, and has in excess of 100,000 cafés, up from under ten thousand per decade prior. Presently, you can discover nourishment from the majority of the territories of China in Shanghai, just as each sort of worldwide sustenance style possible.

The presentation of worldwide nourishments and brands has exacerbated sustenance as a grown-up toy for working class Chinese.

The presentation of worldwide nourishments and brands has exacerbated sustenance as a grown-up toy for working class Chinese. "Sustenance as status has consistently been a tremendous thing in China," says Mo. "Having the option to stand to eat fish or abalone or shark's-blade or bird's-home soup, or having the option to show regard to a VIP by serving them the best yellow rice wine, is a piece of our history. Presently it's been modernized by having diverse Western nourishments speak to status. It could be a Starbucks espresso, or Godiva chocolates, or a Voss water bottle. It's a method for demonstrating your advancement and experience."

Eating is done family style, with shared dishes, and eating is the real social movement for loved ones. Eating, trading sustenance, taking photographs of nourishment, transferring photographs of nourishment, taking a gander at other individuals' photographs of nourishment — this is every one of the a way that sustenance unites individuals in a urban focus. Notwithstanding holding up in line is a piece of the occasion. Individuals may laugh at holding up two hours in line to eat in an in vogue café, says Mo, yet hanging tight in line for an eatery with your companions is an augmentation of your experience eating with them.

How and why you eat your sustenance, is, obviously, likewise social. In China, individuals eat sustenance not really for taste, yet for surface. Jellyfish or cut pig ear don't have any taste, however have attractive surface. Nourishments should either be singing hot or freezing; if it's warm, there's some kind of problem with the dish. At a feast, the most costly things are served first, for example, scallops or steamed fish, at that point meats, at that point pleasant vegetables, lastly soup, and on the off chance that you're as yet eager, at that point rice or noodles or buns. "In the event that you began a feast and they brought out rice after the fish, you'd be extremely befuddled," says Mo. "Like, is the feast over at this point?"
Sustenance as joy

"Sustenance in France is still essentially about joy," says Mark Singer, specialized executive of cooking at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. "Cooking and eating are both past time and joy." The French may begin their day with bread, margarine, jam, and maybe something hot to drink — "It is extremely unlikely that it would extend to eggs and bacon," says Singer — however it's a time when the entire family can be joined together. Artist, who was conceived in Philadelphia, has lived in France for over 40 years. (He doesn't have breakfast.)

"Things have changed significantly in the previous 20 years with regards to nourishment in the nation," he says. "What was a major undertaking with gobbling has gradually mellowed. There are still occasions in the year, similar to birthday events and New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve that still say truly secured into customary nourishment and cooking. Be that as it may, it's few out of every odd day."

A portion of the thoughts of French sustenance life might be an exhibition, includes Berg. "I drove a course in Paris this mid year on fantasy making and legend busting and the presentation of Frenchness. The understudies need to accept that France is this peaceful country where individuals are going through five hours daily going to 12 distinct markets to get their nourishment. The fact of the matter is most croissants are processing plant made, and a great many people are purchasing accommodation sustenance, with the exception of the extremely first class. In any case, some portion of our personality depends on accepting that folklore."

An Italian youngster's first involvement with nourishment isn't buns or rice or eggs, yet likely frozen yogurt.

Young lady eating dessert. Representation by Andrea TurveyHow a nation enjoys a sustenance is likewise telling. In Italy, as in France, takeout is still generally uncommon. "Eating quick isn't at all piece of our way of life," says Marco Bolasco, article executive of Slow Food and an Italian sustenance master. Our suppers are loose, notwithstanding during mid-day break."

Sustenance in Italy is love, at that point nourishment, at that point history, at that point joy, he says. An Italian youngster's first involvement with nourishment isn't buns or rice or eggs, however most likely frozen yogurt, notes Bolasco. Status and riches assume to a lesser degree a job in nourishment than state, in China. 
Americans can gain from other nourishment societies?
 nourishment than state, in China.

Nourishment as network 

In Arab societies, network is vital to the sustenance culture. The day by day iftar that breaks the quick during Ramadan, for instance, highlights platters of conventional charge, for example, tharid and h'riss that are shared by all who are plunking down to break the quick, eating with their hand from similar dishes. Families and establishments will have private iftars, obviously, yet mosques, schools, markets and other network associations will likewise offer huge iftar dinners, and all are available to the general population and shared. This family style of eating isn't not at all like the dishes on a Chinese supper table, where one doesn't eat a solitary assigned and plated dish, yet is relied upon to eat from shared, collective platters.

Sustenance as humankind 

Maybe food, however, isn't such a great amount about advancement for what it's worth about limitation.

"An incredible aspect concerning food is that it the most ideal approach to keep down our most exceedingly terrible sort of debauchery," says Barber. "There is no scene on the planet that reasonably enables us to eat how we think we need to." In another sense, says Barber, sustenance is the physical indication of our association with the common world. It is the place culture and nature meet. It can turn out to be significantly more significant than language, and even geology, with regards to culture.

"Your first relationship as a person is about sustenance," says Richard Wilk, human studies educator at the University of Indiana and leader of its nourishment studies program. "The primary experience we have is being put to the bosom or jug. The social demonstration of eating, is a piece of how we become human, as much as talking and dealing with ourselves. Figuring out how to eat is figuring out how to end up human."
Thank you 

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Americans can gain from other nourishment societies? Americans can gain from other nourishment societies? Reviewed by Food crazy on August 24, 2019 Rating: 5

The Differences Between a Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior

August 13, 2019

The Differences Between a Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior

The Differences Between a Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior

The Differences Between a Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior The Differences Between a Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior Reviewed by Food crazy on August 13, 2019 Rating: 5

foods vs fitness

August 11, 2019
foods vs fitness: let us talk about the body, fitness, and food 
foods vs fitness

When I used to work in a busy office, I was exposed to a variety of foods on a daily basis that was sabotaging my health, weight and

Taunting is a no-no for me. First, u can't walk up to a stranger and say "lose weight mate". It's ur friends I mean. My point is no one is healthy being against their BMI. It's just science.

we were so close until I made my decision to keep my inner circle clean. and to keep healthy and stay away from a problematic person.
Gravity in Seoul is over, it's finished but it's also the beginning for your world tour, please stay healthy during the world tour, get enough rest, eat well, take care of your health boys💙
Well done again, my Superband.
thank you for reading.
please share if you like it.


foods vs fitness
foods vs fitness

foods vs fitness foods vs fitness Reviewed by Food crazy on August 11, 2019 Rating: 5


August 09, 2019
DESI FOOD SHOW UP: Not only the USA man
 mix raisins with khichuri 


With the breeze blowing before the dawn breaks, the rain and you lie down in the trailer, watching the rain pouring in the water of the haor(country language) through the window, and the sweet sound of the rain.

When the rains subside, when you mix raisins with khichuri and run it into your stomach, you will feel the joy of survival.

Thank you
please share this blog if you like it.

DESI FOOD SHOW UP DESI FOOD SHOW UP Reviewed by Food crazy on August 09, 2019 Rating: 5

"Food waste" is that right for Humanity?

August 07, 2019
"Food waste" is that right for Humanity? - what is the solution
talk about food wasting 

lets talk about food wasting around off our area.

There are 30% people of whole world are live with whole day hunger.

I think ,  if we are take some simple step it will help for other thousands of people.
Today i am going to talking about Indian people.

India has a big community.
I hope there per day 1% wasting food  can make solution for there solution. But they wiil not. So how? How we will get there happiness.

lets come into the point" what is the solution ?"
Trying to get 1 solution.
food waste

I think we need just improve our humanity .

Think about your family and you will get your answer.

                                                         please share if like this article
Thnak you.
"Food waste" is that right for Humanity? "Food waste" is that right for Humanity? Reviewed by Food crazy on August 07, 2019 Rating: 5

Food waste and solution

August 06, 2019
Food waste :  Going by a recent survey
and solution

Food waste and solution

in Usa:

 Up to 40 percent of the food in the United States is never eaten.

in India:
in india Going by a recent survey, the kitchen discards, the leftovers, the perished food items constitute almost 25% of the organic waste.

in Australia : 
Each year, Australians spend around $7.8 million on food which is thrown away.

                              ? so any solution ?

just explain my opinion :

  1. Plan meals in advance, so that you only buy the food you need.
  2. Check the cupboard and fridge before you go shopping.
  3. Store food correctly, be creative using leftover ingredients and freeze any leftover meals.
  4. Compost fruit, vegetable and grain-food scraps, or use worm farms.
  5. Choose foods with the least amount of packaging where possible and appropriate.
  6. Reduce packaging by buying frequently-used or long shelf life items in bulk, and portioning. into re-usable containers. For example, buying 1kg of meat and freezing into several meal-size amounts or buying 1kg of yoghurt and dividing into smaller portions to take to school or work.
  7. Use sturdy, re-usable bottles for water and other drinks, rather than buying disposable containers.
  8. Take re-useable bags with you to the supermarket and remember to carry a spare.

Food Waste
Food Waste - Action for Healthy Kids

please dont forget to share
                                               THANK YOU

Food waste and solution Food waste and solution Reviewed by Food crazy on August 06, 2019 Rating: 5

Japanese Food-Mizu Yokan

August 06, 2019

Japanese Food →One of the most interesting facts about Japanese food is that the 50% of world's catch of fish is undertaken by the Japanese. Scroll down to find some more fascinating facts about this cuisine.
Mizu Yokan
 Japanese Food-Mizu Yokan

Mizu Yokan

Yokan, which is made with red beans, sugar, agar and water, is a Japanese traditional sweet. "Mizu" means water, and mizu yokan is made from the same foodstuffs as yokan, but because the proportion of water in mizu yokan is higher than in yokan, it is softer. Mizu yokan was first made around the 18th century, and was eaten in the winter at that time. However, in recent years, as refrigeration technology has evolved, mizu yokan can be cooled and eaten in summer. Now, mizu yokan has become a standard summer sweet in Japan. It is sold mainly as cuboid or cup-shaped. Cuboid mizu yokan is cut before it is served, whereas cup-shaped mizu yokan comes as a single serving. Mizu yokan is moderately sweet and the texture is smooth. Although we do not have a recipe for mizu yokan, if you would like to try regular yokan, please check out our recipe for that on our website.

my favourite blog - click here
Japanese Food-Mizu Yokan  Japanese Food-Mizu Yokan Reviewed by Food crazy on August 06, 2019 Rating: 5

world best food list

August 06, 2019
world best food list:
world best food list
world best food list


acorn squash  (NOPE: this is actually an ‘S’)
asian noodles (NOPE, an ‘N’)
ahi tuna (NOPE: this is actually a ‘T’)
albacore tuna
Apple juice
Avocado roll


black beans
baked beans


carne asada




English muffins
eel sushi


fish  (might be too vague)
French toast
French dip


green beans
Graham crackers


hamburger (and cheeseburgers and bacon cheeseburgers)
huenos rancheros
hash browns
hot dogs
haiku roll


ice cream
Irish stew
Indian food
Italian bread


jelly / jam


kidney beans


















Tater tots


? (any ideas)








world best food list world best food list Reviewed by Food crazy on August 06, 2019 Rating: 5

top 3 traditional USA dishes

August 05, 2019
Best traditional USA dishes →An exclusive list of the foods that consume by the majority of Americans according to their particular sweet, sour and salty taste
  traditional USA dishes
 traditional USA dishes
Apple pie:
 saying is “American as apple pie” for a reason: this sweet treat is a national institution. Forget anybody who will try to tell you pecan or key lime is better, because they are lying. The simple combination of sugar, buttery pastry and tart sliced apples produces a dessert so extraordinary people have devoted their entire lives to perfecting it.
 traditional USA dishes

Deep-dish pizza:

Hominy Grits
                         Deep-dish pizza:

If you're from the Northeast, or if you haven't been to Chicago, you may dismiss deep-dish pizza out of regional pride. That would be a mistake.

Real Chicago-style pizza is certainly thick, but its texture and flavor are something special: Instead of being bread-like, the crust offers the contrast of a good biscuit_airy inside, lightly crisp outside, and flaky throughout_and boasts a rich taste that holds its own under any topping. We wanted to achieve such results at home.

Deep-dish pizza crust includes a fair amount of fat. Some recipes rely on oil, but we thought the rich flavor of butter was unbeatable in this crust. We found cornmeal in just about every ingredient list we reviewed, and it indeed added good earthy flavor and crunch.

To achieve maximum flakiness, after mixing the dough and letting it rise, we employed a technique called laminating, which involves layering butter and dough through a sequence of rolling and folding to create ultra-flaky pastries. Adding melted butter to the pizza dough and spreading the rolled-out dough with softened butter before folding did the trick in our crust.

Moving the dough into the refrigerator for its second rise ensured that the butter remained in distinct layers and didn't get too soft. For the finishing touch on our crust, we oiled our cake pans, which made the crust crisp and even more flavorful.

Following Chicago tradition, we covered the dough with shredded mozzarella before topping it with a thick tomato sauce. The cheese formed a barrier between the crust and the sauce, which prevented sogginess. A sprinkle of nutty Parmesan over the sauce provided a second layer of cheesy bite. We do not recommend mixing this dough by hand. Use the large holes of a box grater to grate the onion.

Hominy Grits:

best dishes
                               Hominy Grits

 Corn grits are kernels of corn—usually dent corn—that have been milled down into a meal. It's not unlike the Italian polenta, and both are indeed boiled down into a mush, but polenta tends to be made from flint corn, rather than the softer dent. Hominy grits are, shockingly enough, made from hominy, which is a dried, whole-kernel corn that's gone through a process called nixtamalization

here you can see almost my  3 best favorite food details .
angry food

           THANK YOU
top 3 traditional USA dishes top 3 traditional USA dishes Reviewed by Food crazy on August 05, 2019 Rating: 5

Most Popular Food in the World

August 05, 2019
What Is the Most Popular Food in the World?
                                 ➩ salad chicken cheese rice tea coffee milk Bread⥚

 Popular Food in World
 Most Popular Food in the World
 Most Popular Food in the World

salad ingredients they add are full of fat and calories. And worse, the weight loss salad they create isn't big enough or satisfying enough to keep them full. So they eat again soon after and they don't lose weight. Replacing a high calorie, heavy meal with healthy salad is a great way to slim down.
chicken :
 they are also really good for us with:

Niacin which keeps our cells healthy, plays a vital role in our energy production and may play a significant role in the prevention of cancer
Phosphorus which is required by every cell in our bodies to work normally, is critical in creating our energy and maintaining the chemical balance of our bodies
Vitamin B6 which keeps us happy, keeps oxygen circulating throughout our bodies, maintains our immune system and reduces the risk of heart disease

Selenium which regenerates the activity of vitamins C and E, produces several antioxidants (cleansers) and enhances our immune system
 Having more than two servings of cheese a day lowered the risk of having a stroke, and cardiovascular disease. They also found that yogurt and milk also helped with that. The participants in the study who had less than half a serving of dairy a day, the mortality rate rose to 44.4 percent overall. 5 percent of that was due to cardiovascular disease.

Mahshid Dehghan is the lead author on this study and an investigator at the Nutrition Epidemiology program at the Population Health Research Institute of McMaster University. She says that “Dairy products contain a range of potentially beneficial compounds including specific amino acids, medium-chain and odd-chain saturated fats, milk fat globule phospholipids, unsaturated and branched-chain fats, natural trans fats, vitamin K1/K2, and calcium, and can further be fermented or contain probiotics, many of which may also affect health outcomes.”

There you have it! Let’s all eat more cheese!
Up until the year 2000, the Chinese enjoyed one of the lowest diabetes rates in the world. What Aug-10_GlutenGrains_Illustrator12_1_Rice_12919738has really changed in the last two decades is an increased consumption of animal-based foods.

Over the past 20 years, pork intake rose a dramatic 40 percent, oil consumption went up 20 percent and the amount of rice in the diet dropped 30 percent!

Since diabetes skyrocketed even though rice consumption decreased, this begs the question: Is the increase in diabetes linked to white rice or the rise of animal food intake?

Moreover, the dramatic uptick in diabetes incidence may also be explained by a little-known fact: combining animal protein with a refined carbohydrate like white rice sends your insulin soaring.

For example, if you feed people mashed white potatoes (a starchy, high carbohydrate food like white rice) and then add an animal protein like tuna fish to the meal, you get twice the insulin spike. Similar results are seen when you combine white flour spaghetti with meat.

Simply put, the addition of the animal protein will make the pancreas work overtime.
tea is bad for health but Mint tea is low in calories, a great palate cleanser and has traditionally been used to aid digestion. Wash and tear up a handful of mint leaves, add to a small teapot and top up with boiling water. Avoid Moroccan mint tea in restaurants, as it can be loaded with sugar.

coffee can also count towards your fluid intake Although the caffeine found in tea and coffee can make you produce more urine, consuming moderate amounts does not appear to affect hydration Pregnant women are advised to consume no more than 200mg or caffeine a day. This is equivalent to about two mugs of instant coffee or about two and a half mugs of tea. Other hot drinks such as herbal teas, hot chocolates and malted drinks can provide water butiIf these drinks are sweetened with sugar it increases their calorie content. Sugar in hot drinks also increases their potential to damage teeth if good dental hygiene is not practiced
Milk contains lots of essential nutrients such as protein, some B vitamins, iodine and calcium, as well as being a source of water. However, it can also contain saturated fat and so it’s a good idea for adults and older children to choose semi-skimmed (less than 2% fat), 1% or skimmed milks. For children between the ages of one and two years, the recommended milk is whole milk. From two years onwards semi-skimmed milk can be introduced gradually. Skimmed and 1% milks are not suitable for children until they are at least five years old because they have less vitamin A and are lower in calories.
My favourite one ⧭
he U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that women eat at least five to six servings of grains per day and men eat between six and eight servings. Of these, half should consist of whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread. Bread provides some essential nutrients, but the type of bread you choose is important because some breads are healthier than others.

Nutrition Facts
When it comes to the basic nutrition facts, most breads are similar. For example, white bread, oatmeal bread and whole-grain bread have about 69 to 74 calories per slice, along with about 1 gram of fat, 2 to 4 grams of protein and 11 to 14 grams of carbohydrates. The main difference among these breads is their fiber content. White bread only has about 0.8 gram of fiber per slice, while whole-grain bread has about 1.9 grams of fiber, or 8 percent of the daily value. Oatmeal bread falls somewhere in between these two breads, with 1.1 grams of fiber per slice. Getting plenty of fiber in your diet may help lower your risk for high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Vitamin Content
White bread is often enriched with added B vitamins. It has about 10 percent of the daily value for thiamine and 8 percent of the DV for folate in each slice. Each slice of oatmeal bread has 7 percent of the DV for thiamine and 4 percent of the DV for folate. Whole-grain bread isn't usually enriched, so it is lower in the B vitamins, with 5 percent of the DV for folate and thiamine. You need thiamine and folate for turning the food you eat into energy.

Mineral Content
Whole-grain bread is the best source of minerals, with 12 percent of the DV for selenium and 26 percent of the DV for manganese. White bread and oatmeal bread both have about 9 percent of the DV for selenium, but oatmeal bread has more manganese, with 13 percent of the DV in each slice compared to 8 percent of the DV in white bread. Selenium and manganese both act as antioxidants to help prevent cell damage from compounds called free radicals.

Potential Health Benefits

Eating at least three servings of whole-grain foods, such as whole-grain breads, may help lower your risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes by 20 percent to 30 percent, according to an article published in "Public Health Nutrition" in December 2011. This isn't the case with foods made from refined grains, such as white bread. Another study, published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" in December 2007, found that eating refined grains may increase your risk for diabetes.

                                             crazy Thing
most populer food

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Most Popular Food in the World  Most Popular Food in the World Reviewed by Food crazy on August 05, 2019 Rating: 5
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